Get unlimited REFERRAL like a pro with this trick


Get 1000 Visits paying only 1TRX, Use these two great websites

In my experience, I dare say that getting a REFERRAL is hard work, but it can be done by placing ads on websites, but you have to pay for it. Almost all websites charge you $ 1 for every 1000 views, which is a lot of money
I have found two great websites that you friends can easily spend with the activity of the income you earn to get a subset.


1. Claimtrx : You spend just 1 trx for 1000 views .awesome ! Please REGISTER HERE if my article help YOU

2.FEYORRA : you spend just 10FEYORA for 1000 views .AMAZING ! Please RIGESTER HERE if my article help YOU

feyorra reveiw

It seems that  CLAIM TRX and FEYORRA are sisters webste run by an admin.

How to Earn from the two websites:

-Claim faucet every four minute


1. These two websites give you 800,000 coins for each claim, which means that with each claim , 8 users can see your ad. so good.
2. Short links are very boring but it is worth it do not be lazy:)) .In these two websites, by solving each short, you will find 200,000 coins, which means that 20 users can see your ads. This is great.
My good friends. Do not withdraw any coins from the two websites above
Move them to the ads section and advertise your favorite site. This is the best strategy in these two websites to get a lot of referrals.


I get daily hits for my favorite site by doing short links and climing on the claim trx and fyorra 2000 view, and that's great.
Normally for 2000 view you have to pay 10000 Satoshi. The cost of these 2000 hits on these two websites is only 2 TRX, isn't that great?

***Facts you need to know before placing an ad:
Fact-1. Not all users are interested in registering on your website, or they may have already registered, so do not expect to get 1000 referrals by showing your ad to 1000 users.

Fact-2.On average, you get about 15 referrals per 1000 views, depending on the website you are promoting.
Fact-3. Older sites will get less referrals for you
*You should pay attention to these points before placing advertisements
Rule 01: Choose a website that is credible and you can be sure it will not scam
Rule 02: Advertise a website that other friends have not posted on the website.
Rule 03: Always use interesting content when writing an ad
Rule 04: Be honest when writing the title of the ad and do not lie to attract the user
Rule 05: Choose a website for advertising that has a high commission of more than 20%
And finally, if my article was useful to you, please support me by registering on the websites I introduced to you. This is the reward of my valuable experience in 5 years of free digital currency collection.

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